
The Episode One Podcast

The Episode One Podcast talks about a different Pilot, or first episode of a Television show in each episode. We discuss the show from the perspective of a fan and a writer. We then unfairly judge the rest of the series based solely on it's pilot.
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The Episode One Podcast









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Now displaying: 2021
Dec 17, 2021

And just like that, there's a new podcast episode.

This week Steve and Chris take a look at another sequel series. Sequel series have been sort of a backbone of this podcast. They keep evolving, with the latest being one no one thought would ever happen. And it's good?

Also while she couldn't be on the pod, Chris's wife, a long time Sex and the City fan gives her thoughts to Chris.

All this plus 30 second pitches and crossovers!

Dec 3, 2021

They did it again. They stole Steve's mind! Rogers the musical was his idea dammit!

Eventually Steve and Chris put that aside and offer to write the X-Men into the MCU... and also review Episode one of Hawkeye.

Did this show solve Comic Book burnout? or just make it worse?

All this plus 30 second pitches and crossovers!

Nov 25, 2021

Anime and Comics, how much more Episode One can you get? 

This week Steve and Chris take a look at the Live Action Remake of the classic Anime, Cowboy Bebop. Is it a live action Adaptation that works?

We also look at a rarity, a comic book character neither Steve nor Chris are very familiar with, Hit-Monkey. This is the last of the non MCU Marvel tv adaptations, at this point we've done them all. I think it ends on a bang!

Plus we talk about comics burnout, anime in general, a bunch of other random stuff, and as always, 30 second pitches and cross overs!

Nov 11, 2021

To be clear, these are two different shows... Fairfax on Amazon Prime, 4400 on CW.

So we have a trend. Shows named after streets Steve lives by. Hollywood might be getting lazier... but hey we can roll with it.

4400 is a remake of a show Chris sort of liked, sort of hated back in the Aughts. Now it's been updated for the new decade and is on the CW instead of USA. (also the changed the name from "The 4400" to "4400" but yet it's on "The" CW. Interesting.

Fairfax is a spoof on modern tween culture... and it's fun!

All this plus crossovers and 30 second pitches!

Oct 19, 2021

Steve is live on the scene of the sinkhole. As we discuss the latest network "event" show, La Brea. imagining a world where LA has a non earthquake related disaster, and maybe there's time travel?

I have to to admit, this show is a bit of a mess, but is it so bad it's good? Let's talk..

We also get distracted by DC Fandome news, most notably the Black Adam teaser. All this plus crossovers and 30 second pitches.

Sep 21, 2021

This week we watch two shows with a lot more in common than you'd think.

Despite one being base don a true story, and one based on the iconic indie comic series. Both tap into Politics, the power dynamics between Men and Women, and both are associated with Hulu.

Steve and Chris discuss their memories living through the Impeachment of Bill Clinton and their knowledge of the Y: The Last Man Comic series.

All this, plus Crossovers and 30 second pitches.

Aug 31, 2021

Standing Tall!...

So excited for this reboot of Perfect strangers, is Nicole Kidman Balki???

Oh, it's not? Well it's a pretty great miniseries, brought to us by the team of David E. Kelley and Nicole Kidman who did Big Little Lies on HBO.

Watch it, lsiten to us chat. We also discuss The Chair, in a new sponsorship with Ikea we aim to...

Oh, no, it's a show? Sandra Oh? Not Killing Steve? Cool. We discuss this Dramedy about higher education in the modern age.

All this, plus a new game "Will it stay a mini series or get a season two?"

Aug 19, 2021

It's finally time, the prophecy fulfilled. We watched Titans, once it was not on the DC Universe app. We predicted it wouldn't work, we predicted HBO Max would supplant it, Swamp Thing fell first, then Stargirl, Doom Patrol, and now Titans.

We also check out the latest MCU show, What If. and a really cool show from Taiki Waititi, Reservation dogs. As a person of Indigenous ancestry, Steve was excited for the representation, but also it's a great show. a 30 minute dramedy about 4 Native American teenagers living on a Reservation in Oklahoma, with dreams of moving to California, check it out on FX on Hulu.

All this plus Crossovers and 30 second pitches.

Jul 30, 2021

This week Steve and Chris bring you our 144th episode spectacular.

After Chris's 9 year old son's first pod cast appearance to discuss Monster at Work (4:20) Steve and Chris look back at all the shows we've finished watching this year.

We discuss THAT ending to Cruel Summer at 1:27:00

Wandavision at 34:00

Loki at 1:50:00

Ted Lasso (12:00)

Monsters at work (17:00)

Mr Mayor and Call Me Kat (28:00)

Clarice (45:00)

Young Rock/Kenan (50:00)

Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Superman and Lois (52:00)

Invincible and Kung Fu (1:12:00)

The Nevers (1:19:00)

Jupiter's Legacy (1:39:00)

Modok (1:40:00)

Girls 5eva (1:41:00)

Sweet Tooth (1:45:00)

a lot of shows, a lot of discussion, let us know what show's you've been watching:

Jul 16, 2021

This week we're going with a little bit of "Now and Then". No not that movie (love you Christina Ricci). We're doing 2 reboots/sequel series and a sort of satire/parody/reimagining?

iCarly is back! (26:00) originally a mid aughts nickelodeon show, it gets the reboot treatment that Hilary Duff failed to get with Lizzie McGuire. Does it succeed, or do we find out why the Lizzie show never happened?

Gossip Girl is back! (47:50) Does it live up to the original? Does it fulfill Steve's cravings for another pretty little liars? Does it inspire Chris to finally finish the original series? Is it still relevant today?

Kevin can F**k himself (4:20) Not so much a now and then, but an inventive dark comedy that takes some influence from the various tropes in Kevin James sitcoms (Kevin can Wait, King of Queens) and some similar sitcoms. It's great and we could have spent an hour talking about it. Just go watch it.

All this and 30 second pitches, cross overs and a long long pod!!!

Jun 30, 2021

It's never too late to discuss a new Comic book TV Show!

After Chris and Steve's respective vacations, we are back with our take on the latest Disney + MCU show, featuring everyone's favorite God/Villain/father of Santa's Reindeer... Loki!

How's it hold up? how excited is Chris for more Cassette Futurism? Will Steve ever remember that movie he used to like to talk about?

All this plus crossovers and 30 second pitches!

Jun 7, 2021

Apologies for the audio, we had microphone issues at the last minute.

This week another comic book series adaptation, we may have entered peak comic tv!

Sweet Tooth, based on the Jeff Lemire comic of the same name is the latest Netflix comic book adaptation. It's more in the fantasy/post-apocalyptic domain, but it's pretty dang cool.

Steve discuss the pilot, dig into the weeds, find out a cool connection between Gus and an early show we did on the podcast.

Also Crossovers and 30 second pitches!

Jun 2, 2021

This week we are back with another Comic Book Show. And we've got a guest!

Ryan Dunlavey ( wrote a 2009 M.O.D.O.K. One Shot for the Dark Reign crossover that served as one of the inspirations for the new HULU MODOK show, brought to us by Jordan Blum and Patton Oswalt.

We talk to Ryan about all things MODOK, including the pilot! We also get a little bit into Erie PA, Comic conventions slowly returning and some great Crossovers and 30 second pitches on more shows Stoopid human (the group behind Robot Chicken and MODOK should do next)

May 18, 2021

We're gonna podcast 5 eva, that 4 eva is just too short.

That's right, the official announcement that the Episode One Podcast will never end, we will be here for the re-re-reboot of Lost in 2099, along with the official television show of Spiderman 2099.

Also they're back! from the people who brought you 30 Rock, Kimmy Schmidt and Mr. Mayor it's Girls5eva. 

One year later and Peacock is finally getting some traction! Catchy tunes, great comedy and Sara Bareilles!

Plus 30 second pitches and crossovers!

May 18, 2021

Another superhero show? Are we at peak hero TV? Well, we welcome it on the episode one podcast!

This latest one comes from the mind of Mark Millar (and the pen of Frank Quitely!) Creator of Kick-Ass, The Ultimates, Civil War, Old Man Logan and much much more.

Steve read the original series, this is Chris's first exposure, how does it perform, and why does Josh Duhamel look like an old Brad Pitt now?

All this and 30 second pitches/crossovers.

May 4, 2021

It's here, the latest epic saga in the freeform cinematic universe, revealing the origins of Olivia Holt as Dagger... Wait I'm hearing this stars Olivia Holt, is on Freeform, but is not in any way related to Cloak and Dagger?

Well, we watched anyways, and it's pretty good. how good? Chris's wife hates shows about teenagers and is all in on this. It's like the Act meets Pretty Little Liars and it is really good.

Plus crossovers and 30 second pitches!

Apr 21, 2021

Bird up, it's Bird Girl! Just me? what you don't have kids watching PBS all day?

This time Steve and Chris take a look at a sequel series, to a sequel series.. sort of. The successor to Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law. Birdgirl follows the titular Birdgirl in her misadventures running a company and fighting crime.

This show is wild, so hear Steve and Chris discuss it, in perhaps our shortest show ever! (We still made time for 30 Second Pitches and Crossovers)

Apr 21, 2021

We never thought we'd see the day, but a new Joss Whe.... oh yeah, well. It's technically created by Joss, but he stepped away. We talk a bit about the controversy and attempt to discuss the show unflavored by the artist. Not 100% successfully.

How does the Nevers differ from an X Men series set in London? Let's find out!

Plus 30 second Pitches, and Crossovers!

Apr 21, 2021

This week, in the first of 3 shows, Steve and Chris look into the modern reimagining of the classic Kung Fu series.

Not having seen the original, how does this reimagining fare, both in the current age of TV, and as a CW show.

All that, plus 30 second pitches and Crossovers!

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Apr 7, 2021

Welcome, to a new trial here at the episode one podcast.

Instead of epic, hour long shows covering 2-4 shows, we're trying out bite size 30 minute shows covering one title.

Let us know how you like it. We also have a linktree

And finally, we cover Mighty Ducks Game Changers. Chris watched the original movies, Steve never did, how does this show set 30 years later hold up? And what would happen if Dante and Randall from Clerks visited this land?

Apr 7, 2021

Welcome, to a new trial here at the episode one podcast.

Instead of epic, hour long shows covering 2-4 shows, we're trying out bite size 30 minute shows covering one title.

Let us know how you like it. We also have a linktree

Enjoy Invincible! It's like the boys, but animated! Also it's from the mind of Robert Kirkman, creator of the Walking Dead! (comic book tv shows and tie ins to other shows we've covered? It's an episode On Pod Dream!

Apr 7, 2021

Welcome, to a new trial here at the episode one podcast.

Instead of epic, hour long shows covering 2-4 shows, we're trying out bite size 30 minute shows covering one title.

Let us know how you like it. We also have a linktree

Enjoy the Irregulars! Sherlock's little homies. Plus 30 second pitches, and crossovers!

Mar 23, 2021

Oh I wish that were a show, The Falcon, The Winter Soldier, Superman And Lois Lane! But Dc Versus Marvel movies are a long way off.

This week Steve and chris take a look at the latest MCU show, Falcon and the Winter Soldier, while also checking out the dynamic duo of the Arrowverse, Superman and Lois!

We also start off the episode with a 30 second pitch.. Which star wars Episode One Character would make the best Captain America?

All this and more, on the Episode One Podcast

Mar 5, 2021

This week Steve and Chris check out the newest NBC Sitcoms, starring two guys who have been in our lives for what seems like Forever.

First off we discuss Kenan, starring.. Kenan, from Good Burger to his extensive stint on SNL he's just a part of the popular culture, now he has a show all his own!

Then the Semi Autobiographical comedy, Young Rock. In the same vein as Everybody Hates Chris, the Rock takes a look back at his childhood, but in three different time periods.

Check out 30 second pitches with other stars who's childhoods we wanna see in a sitcom!

Feb 18, 2021

Hello Steve.

It's that time again, time to celebrate! 133 episodes. Chris and Steve talk about what we've watched more of since our 122nd episode.

First we discuss our 2020 America's Sweetheart, then at 19:00 we begin discussing Clarice. at 1:00:00 we talk about shows we've been watching both ones we've done on the pod and ones we never covered over the last few months.

This reimagined sequel to Silence of the Lambs surprised both Steve and Chris? How so? And what did we think of Hannibal, the last tv Adaptation of this world.

And what does the Marvel cinematic universe have in common with the Silence of the Lambs universe?

All this, plus crossovers and 30 second pitches on the Episode One Podcast!

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